
Case closed!

Once the heads were done, I got the new 0,05mm smaller shim for the crank so it was time to prepare to close the cases. I had photos of the opening ceremony which showed pretty well how everything was in their places. All the books that I have mention to start the reassembly by building the LH side case. I tried to think a reason why since most of the case joining bolts are on the other side so one would need to close the case and flip it over and then tighten the bolts. If I had a rotating engine mount it wouldn't be a big deal but on a table it's quite hard to rotate so I was rebel and installed the parts on the RH side case. There's one rubber O-ring inside which has a seating hole on the LH side case so that would be the only possible challenge as you want it to seat properly. Just a very small amount of grease was enough to glue it to the hole and it didn't drop off while I put the LH side case on.

Here it is waiting for sealant and closing. It's important to run through all the gears to check every gear engages. It will not happen very smoothly because there's a lot of play withou the other half of the case. Then a careful cleanup of the surfaces and we are ready to go. I used Ducati branded ThreeBond since it was available in the shop I ordered the replacement parts from and wasn't realy very expensive. I suppose you can get some cheaper permatex stuff and I heard the Permatex black would be great but since I really don't have any personal experience, I just went with Ducati recommendation.

Applied quite thin but consistend layer of the sealant and closed the case. Then tightened the mounting bolts working diagonally starting from inside M8 bolts. There are two torques for the book marked as 1st torque and 2nd torque. Not completely sure how this should be understood because I can think of two possibilities: 1) to torque everything to the first torque and then to second or 2) torque everything to the first torque, let the sealant to dry and then torque to second. Well, I followed the first thought and I suppose time will tell whether the oil stays in or comes out. The sealant mostly fills the gaps of the surface so I suppose if it was crucial, at least one of the books had mentioned about it. I let the sealant dry for a day before continuing with the reassembly.

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